Non-reimbursable grants of up to € 30,000 for newly created businesses.
About the project
FPIMM Brasov runed the project "New Opportunities for Entrepreneurs", through which it provides assistance, consultancy and administers a grant scheme of up to EUR 30,000 per business.
Funding: Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020, Romania Start Up Plus line.
Implementation period: January 2018 to February 2020.
The overall objective of the project was to increase employment by supporting non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area of the Center Region through:
Individuals enrolled in the project participated to the following activities:
Beneficiaries whose business plans have been selected for funding additionally benefit from the following services / facilities:
The project was implemented at the level of the Center Region, Romania.
The start-ups developed through the project ant which are implementing the busines plan are:
SC Club Souvenir SRL - more information here:Club-Souvenir and videoclip here:
SC Doctor Carpet SRL - more information here: Doctor Carpet and videoclip here:
SC Popazu Conta 2019 SRL- more information here: Popazu Conta
SC ROBOBRO SRL - more information here: ROBOBRO and videoclip here:
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In the "Resources" section you can consult the publications developed within the project: "Guide of good practices for the development of the de minimis start-up scheme in the Central Region. Analysis of the regional entrepreneurial environment from the perspective of the project" New opportunities for entrepreneurs "" and "Guide for environmental support local entrepreneurship "