FPIMM Brasov implements, as a partner, projects financed by the Education and Employment Programme (PEO) 2021-2027:
ACT - Updating employees' skills to anticipate changes in the labor market (SMIS Code 309057)
European Social Fund+
Education and Employment Programme (PEO) 2021-2027
Priority Axis P9 Strengthening the population's participation in the lifelong learning process to facilitate transitions and mobility
ESO4.7 Promoting lifelong learning, in particular flexible opportunities for updating skills and retraining for all, taking into account entrepreneurial and digital skills, through better anticipation of change and new skills requirements based on labor market needs, as well as by facilitating professional transitions and promoting professional mobility
Funding Contract no. PEO/78/PEO_P9/OP4/ES04.7/PEO_A36 -309057 – reg. no. 5233/30.08.2024; Financial support value 584,232.42 lei
SKILLS - The key to sustainable employee progress (SMIS code 312752)
European Social Fund+
Education and Employment Programme (EoP) 2021-2027
Priority Axis P9 Strengthening participation of the population in lifelong learning to facilitate transitions and mobility
ESO4.7 Promoting lifelong learning, in particular flexible opportunities for upskilling and reskilling for all, taking into account entrepreneurial and digital skills, through better anticipation of change and new skills requirements based on labour market needs, as well as facilitating professional transitions and promoting professional mobility
Funding Contract no. PEO/78/PEO_P9/OP4/ES04.7/PEO_A36 -312752 – no. register 5235/30.08.2024; Financial support value 610,888.22 lei